Feed: Planet MySQL
Author: MyDBOPS
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This brief summarises the proceedings and outcomes of the 2nd MyWebinar which was held on 13th February 2021 at Online Webinar. As part of our thought leadership webinar series, our latest hosting webinar Migrate your EOL MySQL Servers (seamless migration to MySQL group replication / InnoDB cluster)
We have conducted MyWebinar with a very positive response with the help of software like zoom hosting arrangement and YouTube streaming and commitment of our business team, We have easily planned the perfect broadcasting for all of the attendees.
Over 30+ people took part in our webinar on 13th Feb 2021, to learn MySQL EOL and upgrade path. The session “Migrate your EOL MySQL servers to HA Complaint GR Cluster / InnoDB Cluster With Zero Downtime” by Vinoth Kanna Ramiya Sriram, Co-founder, Mydbops was able to elevate & seam your workmanship to perfection.
Thank you to everybody who joined the live event and participated actively by voting in the poll and asking so many relevant questions. The answered to all questions at end of the session
Special thanks to Mr. Selva Venkatesh, Mr. Santhana Gopalan, Manthiramoorthy, Subitsha for seamlessly and smoothly organizing the webinar and all the attendees, who had helped us in making this event a grand success.
The Next webinar is scheduled for March 20 2021.
More Details and update Please follow-up the below URL: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/mydbops Twitter: https://twitter.com/mydbopsofficial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mydbops/ Blogs: https://mydbops.wordpress.com/ SlideShare: https://www.slideshare.net/MyDBOPS Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/Mydbops-Databa… Aws APN page: https://mydbops.com/aws-services.html http://www.mydbops.com